TDAE Fitness Blog


Written by Timothy DiFrancesco | Mar 27, 2016 9:18:17 PM

The trouble with getting ahold of NBA strength & conditioning coaches.

Networking and communicating directly with NBA strength & conditioning professionals can be tough. My colleagues around the league and I dedicate as much time each week as we have communicating with aspiring or inquiring likeminded strength & conditioning pros. The problem is, there's not much time! When you log somewhere between 35-65 THOUSAND air miles over 6-8 months while coordinating the strength & conditioning programs of 15 NBA players, there's not much time for emails or grabbing a cup of coffee to talk shop.

I won't speak for others but If you've ever reached out to me and didn't get a prompt reply or a reply at all, I apologize. It's important and very valuable for everyone involved. Unfortunately, in this role as Head Strength & Conditioning Coach of an NBA team, your bandwidth for important networking opportunities is limited to put it lightly. 

Networking solution. 

There's a very simple solution to this bandwidth issue: Join us in Chicago in May for the annual National Basketball Strength & Conditioning Association Conference. All of us NBA strength & conditioning coaches gather there to run the NBA Combine, network, talk shop and enjoy some shenanigans - you should come! 

This year I'll be speaking about making athletes more durable.ur profession is obsessed over recovery right now and although vital, we can't lose sight of the one thing that best prepares athletes for the rigors of sport: training smart but training hard. After I'm finished, you'll get the chance to hear from NBA strength and conditioning sorcerers like Steve Hessf the Denver Nuggets, Jesse Wrightf the Philadelphia 76ers, and Mubarak Malikf the New York Knicks. 

RELATED: The #1 Reason That Durability Is Elusive For Today's Athlete (Part 3)

It's up to you to make this event unique. This event is not just about a few NBA strength & conditioning pros getting on stage. It's really about the time off of the stage for us to finally have the chance to engage with and hear from you. We get to share experiences, insight and thoughts from where we spend most of our time - the trenches. We'd love to have you there this year in Chicago to be a part of this great event! Your participation and attendance is what makes it unique. 

Register for the 2016 NBSCA Conference

Download the PDF here to read more about the conference here!

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Tim DiFrancesco, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS is the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and founder of TD Athletes Edge.  He is nationally renowned for his evidence-based and scientific approach to fitness, training, nutrition, and recovery for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

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