Today's Edge:
What's the best core exercise you're not doing? The Farmer's Walk. Read below for the benefits, coaching keys, and how to use this big bang for your buck exercise. ✳️ For further reading on this important exercise, see the Farmer's Walk Guide I posted awhile back. _____________________________________________
Where do I start? The Farmer's Walk is absolutely a total body exercise. It targets the core including your 6-pack abs, your obliques, and the quadratus lumborum. To carry something heavy these muscles must be firing. Other areas that it challenges are the shoulders, hips, grip, and your feet. I'm doing the set in the video with my shoes off. I know my feet are prepared to handle this, but if you've had recent or chronic foot trouble then barefoot Farmer's Walks may not be appropriate for you. If you haven't been responsibly training certain exercises barefoot, don't just hop into barefoot training exposure with heavy carries.
The lift off is important to get right. Sit down with a flat back and lift through your hips. Think about pushing the ground away beneath you. Keep your core engaged as if you're about to take a punch. Keep your chin tucked in a double chin position. With each step, focus on squeezing your glute and pushing the ground behind you. Crush your grip and keep it tight for the duration of the carry.
This exercise is great as a core exercise in any workout. Keep in mind that it's highly grip dominant so pairing is best with exercises that are not grip dominant. Shoot for 2-4 sets of 15-30 yard walks.
Tim DiFrancesco, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS spent 6 seasons as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and is the founder of TD Athletes Edge. He is nationally renowned for his evidence-based and scientific approach to fitness, training, nutrition, and recovery for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
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