TDAE Fitness Blog

Fight Off Nagging Groin Pain

Written by Timothy DiFrancesco | Mar 2, 2020 6:04:00 PM

Fight Off Nagging Groin Pain

Nagging groin pain can indicate that you need to strengthen your adductor/groin muscles. Many people try to stretch chronic groin tightness/tenderness with no avail. Try this exercise to add some isometric adductor strengthening to your routine instead. 

BENEFITS: This exercise targets your groin/adductor muscles, single leg stability and your core. It’s a great way to improve your single leg stance performance. 

COACHING KEYS: Stand statue tall on one leg while you crush a wall or beam between your hand/arm and opposite leg. Your goal is to produce maximal tension between the hand on your stance side and your inner thigh on the raised leg. 

HOW TO USE: Use this exercise as a warm-up or as a core/lower body exercise in any workout. Shoot for 3-5 holds of 5-15 seconds on each side.