TDAE Fitness Blog

What do you do after missing a week of workouts?

Written by Timothy DiFrancesco | Dec 28, 2021 2:00:00 PM

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Making up for missed workouts will often get you into trouble. Your body can only handle what it is prepared to handle. When you miss a week or more of workouts and then try to do double-time to make up for that, you are setting yourself up for an injury, burnout, or unnecessary frustration.

It is important to recognize the purpose of going to the gym and working out is to add to your overall strength, health, wellness, and enjoyment of your life. There is no place for getting into a state of guilt or punishment related to your workouts.

Not only is that emotionally defeating, but this also sets you up for injury due to the overload that doubling up or making up missed workouts creates.

One missed week of workouts will not ruin your progress, it will not set you back, and many times it is just what you need during a stressful or busy period. When you miss a scheduled workout, it’s important to make a plan for getting back on the normal routine instead of trying to figure out how you were going to make up for what you missed.